تاریخ پست شدنش مال چهار روز پیشه ! اولا که این VISA MANTIS که میگن همین clearance خودمونه که بلای جونمونه ؟
The U.S. Department of State, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has extended the validity of Visas Mantis clearances for the F (student), J (exchange visitors), H (temporary workers), L (intracompany transferees) and B (tourist and business) categories of visas. This means that if the original visa has expired and a new visa application is filed to return to the previous study or work program in the United States, another Visas Mantis clearance may not be required. Consular officers have the discretion, if warranted, to request a Visas Mantis clearance during any visa adjudication.
International students (F visas) who have received a Visas Mantis clearance and been issued a visa will benefit from having that clearance be valid for up to the length of the approved academic program, to a maximum of four years. If a student changes academic programs, the clearance will no longer be valid and a Visas Mantis review would be required should the applicant reapply for a new visa.
Business visitors (B-1 visas) and visitors for pleasure (B-2 visas) can receive a Visas Mantis clearance valid for one year, provided that the original purpose for travel, as stated in the visa application, has not changed on subsequent trips
In addition to the extension of validity for Visas Mantis clearances, the Department of State has made several other improvements in the Visas Mantis process in the past year. By increasing staffing, improving systems and working with our interagency partners, the Department has been able to decrease the average time to obtain Visas Mantis clearance to less than 14 days.
البته بازم با گفتن اینکه another Visas Mantis clearance may not be required. و اینکه گفته Consular officers have the discretion, if warranted, to request a Visas Mantis clearance during any visa adjudication. یعنی دوباره که ریده به همه چی . این قانون واسه ایرانی ها هم صادقه ؟ یعنی ممکنه این معنیش این باشه که این آمریکاییای گوساله دارن یه کم آدم میشن ؟
البته چند تا نکته هنوز هست:
یکی ننوشته این قانونه از کی Effective میشه (شده). دومن تکلیف ایرانیا و کلا کشورای تروریست رو درست حسابی مشخص نکرده. سوما اینکه اینایی که ویزاشون سینگل انتری هست چی میشن ؟ تا اونجایی که من یادمه چینی ها خیلیاشون دابل انتری ویزا میگرفتن ولی همچنان خیلیاشون کلیرنس میخواستن. چهارمن که حالا کلا اینا شعاره یا راسته؟
کسی سورس اطلاعاتی خوبی واسه این ماجرا سراغ نداره ؟
کسی داوطلب هست که این ماجرا رو امتحان کنه؟
کسی تابستون ایران یا کانادا نمیخواد بره ؟